What is a Content outline? With 2 Examples — Web Explainer

Ashfaq rumon
7 min readJan 25, 2023


So, you’ve got an idea for a blog post, but it’s still just that-an idea. Before you write your post, you need to plan the structure and content of your writing. This is where a content outline comes in. Keep reading to learn more about content outlines and how they can help take your writing from concept to reality.

What is a Content Outline?

If you’re going to be writing anything substantial, an outline is essential. It helps you organize, write, and read your content better.

A good content outline should include all of the main facts and ideas that will be in your blog post, as well as any resources or citations that will be used to back up your points.

An outline of your content lays out the piece’s structure, including the major ideas and any subheadings you want to use. This aids in keeping you focused and gives a structure for producing articles that are uniform in tone and style before they are published.

It prevents you from writing aimlessly or rambling on about irrelevant subjects. A content outline, as we have seen, is a powerful tool for producing material that is both consistent and cohesive.

How does a Content Outline help in the writing process?

A content outline can help you figure out what your article or section is about and what the most important points are. This will help you figure out what you want to talk about and how you want to organize the piece. It can also help you choose the best words and phrases for your piece.

You can also build a structure for your content with the help of a content outline. It gives you the plan to follow when writing content, which makes it easier to organize your thoughts and write in a way that makes sense.

Outlining important parts of your piece before writing them down, also helps you avoid making common writing mistakes.

How to make a Content Outline for Your Blog/Articles

Analyze Search Intent

Analyzing search intent is vital in optimizing your content for search engines. Search intent refers to the reason why a user is searching for a particular term or phrase. Understanding the search intent behind a query can help you create more relevant and useful content for your target audience. There are several different types of search intent, including:

  • Informational: Users are looking for information on a specific topic.
  • Navigational: Users are looking for a specific website or page.
  • Transactional: Users want to purchase or complete a specific action.
  • Commercial investigation: Users are researching a product or service before purchasing.

Breakdown the Topic

Creating a content outline that ranks well is essential for effective SEO. First, you should thoroughly research the topic to ensure it is current and relevant to the target audience.

Next, break down the content into main categories with sub-categories, if appropriate. Consider which keywords should be used in headlines and titles and within the content body to create a natural flow of information.

Additionally, when creating an outline, include supporting elements such as statistics and visuals that help bolster the points made in the article or post.

Create Headings for Your Article

Creating clear, descriptive headings for your article can help to guide readers through your content and make it more engaging. Here are a few examples of effective titles for different types of articles:

  • How-to articles: “How to [achieve a specific goal].”
  • Opinion pieces: “Why [topic] is [positive or negative].”
  • News articles: “Breaking News: [brief summary of the event].”
  • Research-based articles: “New Study Reveals [key findings].”
  • Product Reviews: “ [product name] Review: Is it worth your money?”
  • “Top List” articles: “Top [number] [products/services/tips] for [specific goal or audience]”

Add a FAQ section

Adding a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section to your article can help to provide additional information and address common questions that readers may have.

You don’t need any fancy tool for that. Just use Google to find the most relevant FAQ questions:

Using Google’s “People also ask” section can be a helpful way to identify frequently asked questions relevant to your topic and that your audience may be searching for. By addressing these questions in your FAQ section, you can provide valuable information to your readers and improve their experience on your website.

You can also use Google’s “Suggest” feature, which will show you the terms and phrases that are most commonly searched for about your topic. This can help you identify common questions and concerns and create content that addresses them.

Use CTA Properly

When creating a content outline, it’s essential to consider where you can strategically place CTAs throughout the piece, giving readers multiple opportunities to click through. For example, if you’re writing about the benefits of working out, you can include a CTA at the end of each benefit outlining why readers should try an at-home workout program.

Additionally, depending on your topic and audience personas, utilizing calls-to-action within blog posts or articles is a great way to direct readers to relevant landing pages or products.

When crafting CTAs for your content outline, make sure they are concise, compelling, and straightforward. Keep the language simple and ensure no confusion about what action you want them to take-sign up for an email newsletter or click through to learn more.

Furthermore, make sure you use visual elements like bold fonts and contrasting colors that grab attention and encourage people to click.

Finally, be sure to test different types of CTAs to determine which ones perform best; maybe some people prefer a “Learn More” button while others prefer “ Start Here” or “ Download Now “ buttons. Experimenting with different types of CTA copywriting can help boost conversions from your content outline!

How to Measure the Success of your Content Outline

Measuring the success of your content outline is essential in understanding how well your content is performing and identifying areas for improvement. Here are a few key metrics that can help you to measure the success of your content outline:

Content Outline Examples

Example Content Outline on Product Review on a Baseball Bat

I. Introduction

  • A brief overview of the X Baseball Bat
  • Purpose of the review

II. Design and Construction

  • Description of the bat’s design and materials used in construction
  • Comparison to other similar bats on the market

III. Performance

IV. Price and Value

  • Discussion of the bat’s price point concerning its performance and features
  • Comparison to other similar bats on the market in terms of price and value

V. Pros and Cons

VI. Conclusion

  • Summary of the key takeaways from the review
  • Recommendation for the target audience

A final verdict on whether the bat is worth buying or not.

VIII. Call-to-action

Example Content Outline on “How to use a cordless drilling Machine”

I. Introduction

  • A brief overview of the cordless drilling machine and its benefits
  • Purpose of the guide

II. Safety precautions

III. Setting up the drill

IV. Drill types and uses

V. Drilling techniques

  • How to properly hold the drill
  • How to start and stop drilling
  • How to make straight and angled holes
  • How to avoid common mistakes

VI. Maintenance and Care

VII. Conclusion


What should I include in my content outline?

When creating a content outline, you must include all the main points you need to cover for your message to be complete. This includes topics such as titles, headings (main points), sub-headings (facts/statistics/arguments relevant to each main point), visuals (photos/graphics/video clips), quotes from experts, links related to each topic, etc.

Ensure everything is included before starting work on the actual text so that nothing is forgotten!

How do I create a good-quality content outline?

To create a good quality content outline, start by brainstorming all possible topics and related information that could be included in the piece. Use Google and find the top-ranked articles and see what they covered.

Once these topics have been identified, start organizing them into sections; think about how each section flows together and ensure that key points are logically connected. After this step is done, start adding additional details such as facts/arguments/visuals, etc.,

Final Brief

As you can see, content outlines are a great way to organize your thoughts and ideas on paper while also outlining the critical elements of your content.

They’re a great way to ensure that your content is structured, organized, and easy to read. But they’re not meant to replace writing well-crafted content that focuses on the target audience and their needs. If you’re writing for the first time, it’s best to write an outline.

It’s also best to follow a template while writing an outline or use one as a starting point so that your content is structured and follows set rules.

Remember, content outlines aren’t meant to take the place of writing well-structured content focusing on target audience needs and maintaining a focused tone.

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Originally published at https://webexplainer.com on January 25, 2023.



Ashfaq rumon

I am Ashfaqur Rumon, an SEO content writer and SEO expert with over 5 years of experience. I have helped over 300 companies and individuals.